Loire Valley castles Chambord




Travel brochures of Loire Valley Châteaux


First of all : if you have any question or request, please consult our list of French local Tourist Boards located in Loire Valley.


The following list is a selection of departmental and regional tourist boards and can also be very helpful if you are looking for information or travel brochures.

If you have any other (and more precise) question don't hesitate to contact the châteaux you would like to visit and consult their official website.

We also made a list of castles and a selection to help you to find your favorite château de la Loire.


"Comités départementaux de Tourisme"



Agence Départementale du Tourisme de Touraine 30, rue de la préfecture, BP 91808, 37018 TOURS CEDEX 1 - FRANCE

Tel. : +33 2 47 31 47 48. - Fax : +33 2 47 31 42 76 - Email : info@touraineloirevalley.com

The châteaux of Touraine : Château and garden of Villandry, château of Azay-le-Rideau, royal château of Amboise, Chenonceau.



Agence de Développement Touristique du Loir-et-Cher - 2/4 rue du Limousin CS 64323 - 41043 BLOIS CEDEX - FRANCE

Tel. : +33 2 54 57 00 41 - Fax : +33 2 54 57 00 47 - Email : infos@adt41.com

The châteaux of  Loir-et-Cher and Sologne : château of Blois, Park and château of  Beauregard, Troussay, Cheverny, Chambord.



Comité départemental du Tourisme de l'Anjou (Anjou Tourisme) Place Kennedy - BP 32147 49021 Angers cedex 02 - FRANCE
Tel. : 02 41 23 51 51 - Fax : 02 41 88 36 77 - Email : infos@anjou-tourisme.com

The châteaux of Anjou : château of Saumur, château of Brézé, Serrant, Brissac, Challain, Angers.


"Comités régionaux de Tourisme"


Région Centre

Comité Régional du Tourisme du Centre 37, avenue de Paris 45000 ORLEANS - FRANCE

Tel. : +33 2 38 79 95 00 - Fax : + 33 2 38 79 95 10 - Email : crtcentre@visaloire.com

The châteaux of  Region Centre : château of Chambord, château of Chenonceau, Azay-le-Rideau, château and gardens of Villandry.


Région Pays-de-la-Loire

Comité Régional du Tourisme des Pays de la Loire 2 Rue de la Loire B.P. 20411 44204 Nantes Cedex 2 - FRANCE

Tel. : 02 40 48 24 20

The châteaux of  Anjou and Pays Nantais : castle of Saumur, Brézé, Serrant, Brissac, Challain, Angers and Goulaine.


The two regions "Centre" and "Pays-de-la-Loire" created in March 2002 the following organization :


Mission Val de Loire - World Heritage


blue square Mission Val de Loire - Patrimoine mondial BP 4322, 37043 Tours Cedex 1 - FRANCE

Tel. : +33 2 47 66 94 49 - Fax : +33 2 47 66 02 18 - Email : smi@mission-valdeloire.fr